About the Clinic

The treatment of diseases of the ear, nose, nasal passage, sinuses, larynx, oral cavity, upper pharynx, and structures in the face and neck (such as neck masses, thyroid, salivary glands) is within the scope of the Department of Otolaryngology.


An ear, nose and throat specialist's unique area of interest is the ears. It covers the medical and surgical treatment of hearing disorders, ear infections, balance disorders, facial or cranial nerve disorders, as well as congenital diseases and cancers of the outer and inner ear.


– Tinnitus

– Earwax (Plug)

– Serous Otitis

– Inflammation of the External Ear Canal

– Acute Middle Ear Inflammation

- Hearing loss


The nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, allergy, olfactory and nasal breathing disorders and disorders related to the external appearance of the nose are the areas of interest of otolaryngology.

Nose Diseases:

– Smell Disorders

– Rhinolight

– Nose Aesthetics – Rhinoplasty

– Sinusitis (Acute, Chronic)



The specialty of otolaryngology is the treatment of diseases of the larynx and upper respiratory tract, digestive tract or digestive tract. This includes disorders related to voice, breathing and swallowing.


- Sleep apnea

– Pharyngitis

– Tonsil Surgery

– Snoring

– Tonsillitis

Head and neck:

Otolaryngologists are trained for the treatment of infectious diseases, tumors (malignant and benign), facial trauma and facial deformities of the head and neck region. They perform cosmetic, plastic and repair surgery applications.