Cardiology, as a specialty covering the entire heart, artery and vein system, covers congenital or acquired diseases and functional disorders of the heart, rhythm and conduction disorders, diseases of the artery and vein system, acute or chronic embolism affecting the pulmonary circulation. It is a scientific discipline that reveals a wide range of preventive, diagnostic, medical and interventional treatment methods, including diseases such as pulmonary hypertension, directly or in collaboration with other specialties.
What diseases does the clinic treat?
All diseases related to the cardiovascular and circulatory system are evaluated and diagnosed and treated in the Cardiology Clinic. There is also an arrhythmia and heart failure outpatient clinic within the Cardiology Clinic. Working as a part of the heart transplantation unit together with the cardiovascular surgery clinic, the heart failure team undertakes the task of identifying and monitoring patients in need of heart transplantation.
Non-invasive examinations (ECG, effort test, echocardiography, rhythm holter etc.) are performed in the cardiology outpatient clinic.
Some of these diseases can be listed as follows:
* Hypertension
* Heart rhythm disorders (arrhythmias)
* Atherosclerotic heart diseases (such as coronary artery disease)
* Congenital heart diseases
* High Cholesterol and Triglyceride